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This tutorial shows how zrepl can be used to implement a ZFS-based push backup. We assume the following scenario:

  • Production server prod with filesystems to back up:

    • zroot/var/db

    • zroot/usr/home and all its child filesystems

    • except zroot/usr/home/paranoid belonging to a user doing backups themselves

  • Backup server backups with

    • Filesystem storage/zrepl/sink/prod + children dedicated to backups of prod

Our backup solution should fulfill the following requirements:

  • Periodically snapshot the filesystems on prod every 10 minutes

  • Incrementally replicate these snapshots to storage/zrepl/sink/prod/* on backups

  • Keep only very few snapshots on prod to save disk space

  • Keep a fading history (24 hourly, 30 daily, 6 monthly) of snapshots on backups


We can model this situation as two jobs:

  • A push job on prod

    • Creates the snapshots

    • Keeps a short history of local snapshots to enable incremental replication to backups

    • Connects to the zrepl daemon process on backups

    • Pushes snapshots backups

    • Prunes snapshots on backups after replication is complete

  • A sink job on backups

    • Accepts connections & responds to requests from prod

    • Limits client prod access to filesystem sub-tree storage/zrepl/sink/prod

Install zrepl

Follow the OS-specific installation instructions and come back here.

Generate TLS Certificates

We use the TLS client authentication transport <transport-tcp+tlsclientauth> to protect our data on the wire. To get things going quickly, we skip setting up a CA and generate two self-signed certificates as described here. Again, for convenience, We generate the key pairs on our local machine and distribute them using ssh:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes \
   -newkey rsa:4096 \
   -days 365 \
   -keyout backups.key \
   -out backups.crt
# ... and use "backups" as Common Name (CN)

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes \
   -newkey rsa:4096 \
   -days 365 \
   -keyout prod.key \
   -out prod.crt
# ... and use "prod" as Common Name (CN)

ssh root@backups "mkdir /etc/zrepl"
scp  backups.key backups.crt prod.crt root@backups:/etc/zrepl

ssh root@prod "mkdir /etc/zrepl"
scp  prod.key prod.crt backups.crt root@prod:/etc/zrepl

Configure server prod

We define a push job named prod_to_backups in /etc/zrepl/zrepl.yml on host prod :

- name: prod_to_backups
  type: push
    type: tls
    address: ""
    ca: /etc/zrepl/backups.crt
    cert: /etc/zrepl/prod.crt
    key:  /etc/zrepl/prod.key
    server_cn: "backups"
  filesystems: {
    "zroot/var/db:": true,
    "zroot/usr/home<": true,
    "zroot/usr/home/paranoid": false
    type: periodic
    prefix: zrepl_
    interval: 10m
    - type: not_replicated
    - type: last_n
      count: 10
    - type: grid
      grid: 1x1h(keep=all) | 24x1h | 30x1d | 6x30d
      regex: "^zrepl_"

Configure server backups

We define a corresponding sink job named sink in /etc/zrepl/zrepl.yml on host prod :

- name: sink
  type: sink
     type: tls
     listen: ":8888"
     ca: "/etc/zrepl/prod.crt"
     cert: "/etc/zrepl/backups.crt"
     key: "/etc/zrepl/backups.key"
       - "prod"
  root_fs: "storage/zrepl/sink"

Apply Configuration Changes

We use zrepl configcheck before to catch any configuration errors: no output indicates that everything is fine. If that is the case, restart the zrepl daemon on both prod and backups using service zrepl restart or systemctl restart zrepl.

Watch it Work

Run zrepl status on prod to monitor the replication and pruning activity. To re-trigger replication (snapshots are separate!), use zrepl signal wakeup prod_to_backups on prod.

If you like tmux, here is a handy script that works on FreeBSD:

pkg install gnu-watch tmux
tmux new -s zrepl -d
tmux split-window -t zrepl "tail -f /var/log/messages"
tmux split-window -t zrepl "gnu-watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_'"
tmux split-window -t zrepl "zrepl status"
tmux select-layout -t zrepl tiled
tmux attach -t zrepl

The Linux equivalent might look like this:

# make sure tmux is installed & let's assume you use systemd + journald
tmux new -s zrepl -d
tmux split-window -t zrepl  "journalctl -f -u zrepl.service"
tmux split-window -t zrepl "watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_'"
tmux split-window -t zrepl "zrepl status"
tmux select-layout -t zrepl tiled
tmux attach -t zrepl


Congratulations, you have a working push backup. Where to go next?